Dear Raven Families:

As we head into our new school year, we trust that you had a fun-filled summer and would like to welcome you to the 2023-24 school year.  Beginning a new school year brings about enthusiasm for the “new” possibilities and starting fresh.  Whether it’s new uniforms, new school supplies, a new grade, new classrooms, new teachers, new friends or a new schedule – there are many new pieces to create excitement for a new school year.    

This year we have many new students joining our Raven family.  We would like to take some time to extend a warm welcome to all of the new Ravens joining us, in particular our Kindergarten students who are beginning their school and RTCS journey.   Please note our Kindergarten students will join us for their first Mini Session on September 8. The gradual entry program will begin on September 11.  The first full day will be on September 18. Families will be contacted about their interview time.

The first day of school… more

Rosedale Traditional Community School is a compassionate community of learners who CARE and nurture a culture of kindness and acceptance, ENGAGE in active and innovate experiences, and INSPIRE curiosity, discovery and achievement.

Care ~ Engage ~ Inspire

Starting June 9th 2023 , please report absences in advance using SafeArrival instead of sending notes or calling/emailing the school. https://www.sd33.bc.ca/safe-arrival 

no cell phones allowed

All School District 33 Middle Schools aspire to have a positive and productive learning environment with a focus on academic achievement and appropriate socialization. It is a privilege to have cell phones at school – we desire to have students use these devices in a responsible and appropriate manner. Our classroom and school wide expectations include:

  • At break and lunch periods, students are encouraged to be active and socialize with friends. Students are not permitted to use their cell phones and other devices during this time.
  • Students are encouraged to leave their devices in their lockers, however if students take their cell phones/electronic devices to class they must be turned off. Teachers may collect cell phones at the beginning of class and return them at the end of class. Your child’s teachers will decide if students can use them during class for educational purposes.
  • Please do not text/call your child while they are in… more