Books to Enjoy - Books read aloud organized into themes.
Capstone Interactive - Books for K - Grade 8 (Fiction/Graphic Novels/Non Fiction).
Classic Books - Thousands of free pdf and prc (mobibook) ebooks of out-of-copyright classic literature for kindle, nook, iPad, iPhone, android, Sony e-reader, Kobo.
Epic - Collection of free picture books.
Fraser Valley Regional Library - sign-up for a library eCard and get instant access to all of their digital content, including eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, streaming movies and TV, eLearning, and more! (see attachment below)
Indigenous Oral Stories - APTN Kids, Different is Good, My Favourite Chicken, The Two Coyotes.
KidLit TV - Authors read their favourite children's books (includes links to videos for ADST: arts/crafts/drawing).
Play Aways - Our library has a small collection of Play Away novels for when classes are doing novel studies and a student would like to use the audio version.
Project Gutenberg - free classic ebooks.
Read-aloud stories - a collection of stories to read out loud.
Reading Sanctuary - Reading Sanctuary seeks to inform users of the link between popular books and their movie adaptations.
Scholastic Education (free until June 30) - A collection of learning resources: Bookflix, eReading, TrueFlix, ScienceFlix and Scholastic Go!
Storyline Online - Popular stories read aloud.
Story Time From Space - Astronauts read some of their favourite stories from the international space station.
Teen Book Cloud - Grade 7 - 12 eBook database.
Tumble Book Library - Animated children's books to read, watch, and listen to. Books available at multiple reading levels (see image above).
TumbleMath - Animated children's books about math to read, listen to, and watch.
Unite for Literacy - Provides free digital access to picture books, narrated in different languages. Many texts for early readers.